Saturday, November 25, 2017


现在挺流行资料图像(信息图表)的,小胖也来整理一下简历... 古代而言,这大概也可能是位小文武官了吧?😂😂 古装剧看多了,中毒太深!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

[Luang Prabang] Bamboo Bridge Platform

Nature is wonderful in many ways. These bridges are the same, while they may dry up and blacken over time, they remain useful as ever. Even if the time comes to replace these bridges, their bamboo fibres can be made into other products too 🙂 

So, before we throw away anything, stop and think for a moment. Is there any way to give it a second life?

Monday, July 24, 2017

[Luang Prabang] Alms Giving Ceremony

[Luang Prabang] Onboard MI788

On the way to Luang Prabang, I realised that the lack of in-flight entertainment onboard SilkAir created golden time for me! Just me and my book, some tea, some classical music on my ipad, perfect! 

I really appreciated this me-time so much, so needed. So recharged. Top it off with the perfect-size slice of lemon in my tea. Even the ocd deep down was screaming YESSSSS!

But curiousity got the better of me on my flight home. I downloaded the SilkAir Studio, connected to their wifi and accessed their ife. completed a movie but not as enjoyable as the golden time before. And of course, the lack of the perfect-size slice of lemon in my tea too ;( 

Wednesday, May 24, 2017